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What does it really mean to be Creative?

Creativity is like a flow. It seems to be taking place without a consistent force, making it, a self-sustaining process. It is something that happens in the moment and it has high "life-value" based on how alive it makes everything. Many of us might have experienced bouts of creativity where things happened but it did not sustain. Because it cannot be forced, even pushing it has not probably helped. But if something is self-sustaining, why does it not sustain? This is what I want to talk about. 1. What is Creativity and what is it not? We tend to associate 'Art' with creativity. Say, you are painting! Does this necessarily imply that you are being creative in the process? If you have well planned the steps that you are going to follow and are executing it, you are using your memory and your skills to perform. This does not seem like creativity. At least for the sake of this writing, let us consider that use of memory and skills does not impl

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